Influence and Lead


Influence positive change in the behaviour of others and your organisation as you extend core leadership skills and grow as a leader.

The ability to influence and persuade is an important part of our professional repertoire; leadership skills that are built and practiced throughout our career, even when our career direction changes. Influence goes beyond just what we say but is critically aligned to what we do, and how we are seen by others.

In this course we will explore the different skills and styles of influence and persuasion, identify opportunities, techniques and strategies for long-term impact, and explore practical and effective ways to maximise your potential as an influencer in your field of work or community.

Learning Outcomes

  • Distinguish between influencing and persuading, in order to use the right skill for the right circumstances
  • Identify your own influencing and persuasion style and maximise your effectiveness in a variety of situations
  • Go beyond words to influence - explore EQ, PQ, SQ and Tribal Thinking and apply these to 'cause' change rather than 'force' change
  • Build your credibility, personal brand and reputation
  • Explore what it really means to build networks, cross boundaries and build your 'tribe'
  • Learn from key influencers in your field of work; how do they operate, explore what works effectively
  • Briefly explore the role of social media and your profile to extend influence in your context
  • Develop and work a communication strategy to enhance your capacity to influence and lead

Benefits to your people

Learn be a leader who brings about effective change in your organisation without forcing others

Build on your professional capital with up-to-date ideas and frameworks

Become more strategic in the influence and impact that you have on others
Build a repertoire of influencing skills applicable throughout your career

Benefits to your organisation

Achieving better outcomes by having people who can better manage and more effectively influence both internal and external professional relationships. These skills are widely applicable and transferable across all organisational functions and levels.

Course Details

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